We have been busy in 2018 with many repairs and fix-ups.
Charly continues with the kitchen floor renewal. The final part of the renewal is over a crawl space in the cellar, and is a new scenario for the repair work. It is expected that we will complete the task in the next couple of months. This is no ordinary repair job, and we appreciate his taking this project on. All who contributed finances and assistance to the project are also much appreciated.
Some plumbing repairs have been accomplished: a leaky nipple on the furnace, and leaky steam pipe in the kitchen. A new outside water faucet and locking security door have been installed on the Favor Street side of the building.
Some outside painting has been done: new paint on front door and surrounding trim to perk up our first impression area. Also, our address number has been placed on this area to meet fire department requirements.
High tech has come to our classrooms. A TV has been installed in the grade 3-5 classroom and a second is in progress in the grade 1-2 classroom. Student reaction to this technology has been very positive.
Some minor roof work has been done on the flat roof, and the rest of the roof has no known problems, and looks good from the street. We hope that this year only a few missing slates will be the extent of what will be needed.
Again thanks to all who participated in our activities and helped out in any way. It is much appreciated in caring for This Old Church.